Why Is My Mac So Slow With Microsoft Word

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2015-9-25  The first time you open a document (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) the load time is 15+ seconds. Subsequent load times are 5+ seconds. Why is Office so slow? Conversely, I am running Microsoft Office 365 on a PC Win 10 with equivalent horsepower and load times are instantaneous. 2018-5-19  Each program of Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, v16.13) are very slow (around 30s) to start up after cold start of the Mac. Once one program has been start one time on the Mac, if I close it completely, it take 3s to start up again as expected; so the issue is at the very first start-up of each program after cold start. It saves all the default settings of the application. So each time you change your settings, the preference is added to normal.dot. This way, the next time Microsoft Word opens a new document, your preferred settings load automatically. If your normal.dot file becomes corrupted or too complex to load, it can make Microsoft Word slow. Jan 19, 2019 15. A bad iTunes install, or one that isn't properly updated for the system may cause slow down. If you are trying to isolate that as a possibility, note the path to the iTunes Helper which is loaded in your System Preferences - Accounts (Users and Groups in some versions of Mac OS X), Login Items (startup items in other versions of Mac OS X).

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Paul Lamb says

Why Is My Mac So Slow With Microsoft Word List

February 1, 2019

The only Add In I had was Cisco Web Ex. I disabled it and now Word starts almost instantly. It was taking 10-15 seconds to load.

Microsoft internet explorer 11 for mac. In order to start Internet Explorer on macOS, perform the following: Step 1: Install on your Mac the Remote Desktop application from Microsoft. Step 2: Open the website remote.modern.ie, log in using your @hotmail, @live or @outlook account. Access to the service is completely free. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer will now launch remotely. It is important to note that performance of the web browser will vary depending on the type/speed of internet connection that you have at your disposal. The faster and more reliable the connection, the more performant IE 11 will be on your Mac. You may also like to check out. Steps to Download Internet Explorer for Mac. Go to Modern.ie website on your computer and subscribe to the free service. Pick the region that is closest to you to ensure the best performance and once you are done, you will receive an email saying “You can start. Now, open the Microsoft Remote. Internet Explorer 11 on Mac with VirtualBox Seamless Mode. First and foremost, install VirtualBox on your MacBook plus the Windows ISO file. Once fully installed, launch the virtual machine. Under the 'Installation Method' menu, click on 'Create a new custom virtual machine'.

Microsoft Reply
Samuel Bouchillon says September 20, 2019

I have a large capacity desktop with 1T SSD, 64 Gigs RAM, and Intel i7-8700, 64-bit CPU. Fast? Yes! But even when working locally on large documents (1000+ pages) it may take minutes to save a file. I know that repaination is a big problem. Is there any way to speed up this process? Mac microsoft publisher equivalent free.


Why Is My Mac So Slow With Microsoft Word Document

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